Hi! I’m Elsie and these are my ​horses, Ike and Fara. I’m from ​Gatineau, QC, Canada and am ​currently living on Vancouver ​Island in BC.


I’m Kait! I live just outside of ​Seattle, WA, USA. This is me ​with my equine partner, Shakti.

We are two average horse girls with a passion for holistic equine care ​and building consentual, relational connections with the horses in our ​lives.

We are on a life-long learning journey when it comes to our ​horsemanship, and when we know better, we endeavour to do better!

Both of us extend our passion for improving the lives of our horses into ​the way we see the world at large, and bonded over a mutual desire to ​bridge the advocacy we embody as equestrians with global social justice ​work. We couldn’t help but notice a lack of cohesive humanitarian ​activism in our equestrian community, and we want to change this.

Horses ask us to constantly evolve into the best version of ourselves, ​and we want to empower you to use your voice and skillset beyond the ​arena.

We created equUSCAN to unify and rally equestrians across Canada ​and the United States to stand together for humanity, and we are so ​glad you’re here!

Together, #equUSCAN make a difference.

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Horse Heads Silhouette
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